Movie: What You Think

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.”

“I’m fine.”
“This will work.”
“You have to go with what you have!”

I have said these lines to myself plenty of times! Somewhere during my life, I probably observed them being said in my household and eventually I was taught to accept them. Just take what you have and work with it. But what if I rejected what I didn’t want and something better came along? The fear then lies in not having anything at that second and the fear of not knowing when something else would come.

I remember when I first stopped eating red meat. The process was actually pretty easy because I had read all these books about the processing of meat and the task on our bodies breaking meat down in our system. I connected red meat consumption to various family ailments and thought I wanted something better for myself.

I can also recall the time when I decided to finish my book and spoken word cd because I wanted to travel. I thought that having product would allow me to continue to connect my art with the world while helping with the traveling expenses. Guess what? It was a seamless process!

We all have so many dreams and wants. So, how do you challenge yourself to change your mind? Change your perception of what you have and what you can do. Perhaps what is in front of you is not yours. Today will be a life course on your karma. Today will be the movie of what you think.

drive in movie

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